You Don't Have To Live In Narragansett To Start Your
Mariner Journey
CTE Contact: Joan Pratley
Phone:401-792-9406 | Email: [email protected]

The Narragansett School System is proud to offer high school students in district and across Rhode Island the opportunity to take part in one of our CTE (Career and Technical Education) Programs, which hosts many advanced and extensive courses.
Curriculum is designed for students preparing for careers and college, giving them the chance to obtain hands-on experience while learning trades and specialties. We are one of more than 54 high schools in the network, all working together to prepare students early on for a successful career. We work directly with the Rhode Island Department of Education, Future Farmers of America, and educational collaborators such as the University of Rhode Island to create coursework and standards.
Our Program is unique as students enrolled in the CTE program remain full-time members of the high school. Students also have the opportunity to access advanced placement and additional college credit classes while still earning certificates in career-ready fields.
Narragansett High School CTE Programs
(Click below on program to be directed to its information page)
Learn More About These Programs and our School Community
If interested in any of the below opportunities, please contact Joan Pratley in our Guidance Office
Phone: 401-792-9406 | Email: [email protected]
Schedule a Tour
We love showing potential students and their families all we have to offer here in Narragansett. We invite you to schedule a tour or an individual peer shadow day for your student to receive a full experience and obtain a better understanding of our school community.
Visit Guidance
Schedule a call or in-person meeting with one of our dedicated guidance counselors.
They will be able to share more about graduation and program requirements and the many resources available to ensure a rewarding and successful high school career.
Attend an Open House
Narragansett High School hosts many events and opportunities throughout the year to showcase our school and our programs. Follow us on social media and continue checking our website to be the first to know when new events are planned and what to expect.
Continued Student Enrollment in Career Preparation Programs
LEAs operating RIDE-approved preparation programs are granted the authority to establish enrollment conditions that may include a code of conduct that applies both to school and on-site work placements, attendance, and other criteria that adhere to applicable statutes and regulations. Such enrollment criteria shall not unfairly target students on the basis of color, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, disability, or district of residence.
The adopted enrollment policy shall be published in the student handbook and a copy provided to each student and family upon enrollment in the career preparation program. All career preparation program policies shall include a review and appeals process for students denied access to a preparation program due to admissions criteria or whose enrollment has been suspended and/or terminated.