Our Health and Wellness Mission
Our goal is to promote a positive healthy school environment that supports good nutrition and regular physical exercise as part of lifelong learning for students, faculty and staff, and parents. Our committee is composed of administrators, food director, teachers, school nurses, parents and community members who meet monthly.
In response to growing national concerns about health especially overweight and obesity the committee developed a district-wide policy for Nutrition and Physical Activity in the schools in 2005. This policy is presently under revision. Each of our schools has a procedure for the application of the policy. All are available for your review on the link to the left. Other helpful links are also listed. Additional school nutrition and physical activity information will be available in school newsletters, on school bulletin boards, through your PTO and on this web site. New members and new ideas are always welcome.
Tele-Therapy Services for Students and Families
Mental Health and Addiction Resources
Newsletters from RI Healthy Schools Coalition
RI Social Emotional Learning Standards
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Our staff is dedicated in offering support and awareness to ensure the continued wellness of our community. We offer further resources in health classes with staff being trained in QPR. More info HERE.
This training is made possible by the Chad O’Brien fund.
District Nutrition Policy
Lunch Menus