The Town of Narragansett’s newest banners that were designed by two NHS students were installed and unveiled on Tuesday, May 14th. Both students, NHS Graduate Shannon McNeiece and NHS Senior, Christina McPhillips were in attendance at the Towers where the first banner was hung outside the Chamber offices to kick off the installment of new art that will be displayed until 2021. Also in attendance were town & school representatives such as Narragansett Schools Superintendent, Dr. Peter Cummings, Sign Shop Supervisor & Heavy Equipment Operator, John Szymanski, and Narragansett Chamber of Commerce Operations Manager, Peg Fradette.
Contest Background: In 2018, the Town of Narragansett and the Narragansett School System hosted a first-of-its-kind art contest for high school students to help design the next banner adoption series that promote local businesses. Two student designs were voted upon by the student body, town and school officials, and additional community members to become the next installment of banner art.
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